I was into VGH wednesday... and my last appointment at the ~VGH Bone Marrow Transplant Unit ~ will be next Thursday!! I have the 'yucky' Pentamidine one more time and then the PIC line is taken out and I will be "Released" from the Daycare Program!! All the blood work needed, will be done in Surrey and faxed to Vancouver from next Thursday~ on! Yahoooo!!
I began the "desensitization" yesterday, to the antibiotic that I need to take for the two years, while I take the two oral chemo drugs. I am allergic to the antibiotic, so they are starting me on small incremental doses for two weeks, hoping that my body will accept the drug. (The only other alternative is to have the Pentamidine administered every two weeks by IV. So, they are hoping this will work.)
I had a valuable reminder this last week from Clair, who reads this blog and who has also walked through the Leukemia Journey. I will quote her, as the words are profound:
"Cancer invites us to take on the challenge of survival and it also leaves us vulnerable. I think this is a gift too. It reminds us of how precious life is and what really matters in our lives. We get a bonus chance to balance our hectic lives and invest the time into those we love and hobbies that fill our soul."
Thank YOU Clair. I keep assuming that "complete recovery" means life will be back to what it was before... I need to remember that "normal" will be redefined. That is okay, it may just take me awhile to sort out what I can and cannot do.
Thank YOU, again ~
Lorna, the Leukemia Mamma