Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's starting to sink in now

It's been a rough few days around here, at least for me. I am beginning to realize what the next several months will look like and it really isn't easy. Remember when I said that I didn't want to be "one of us"? Now that I have a better understanding of what this club looks like, I like it even less. I think though, somehow, that it will be easier if I can accept this new and unwanted membership and allow myself to process what is happening.

Mom's been going in to VGH for treatment every day since Friday. Three days down, nine more to go. It is wearying for her to take the trip everyday, she is so tired when she gets home and usually lies down for a nap. It is hard for me to see Mom like this, and yet we have so much to be thankful for.
Mom is not in pain, nor is she nauseated. She has not been carsick once in all the trips she's taken with all of the amazing friends who have been escorting her (thank you!). If you know Mom at all, you know this is a miracle!
Despite all these things though, Mom is getting tired. She is weak right now and I think that is what is so hard for me. Mom has always been so strong, I didn't see it before, but these last few weeks have really shown me her strength.

I have a confession to make. We have been very clear about staying away if you at all suspect that you could be sick. Well, I think with everything that has been going on, all of our immune systems are starting to wear down. I have a sore throat so the doctor put me on antibiotics-because of Mom. Rob has a nasal drip and is taking antivirals-same reason. Jessica is also not feeling so good and will see the doctor tomorrow.
Today the team at VGH concluded that Mom now has a runny nose and some congestion, she has caught the bug. She is on strict instructions to monitor her temperature and come right in if she spikes a fever. Please pray that the antibiotics Mom is already taking will work against the germs that have "moved in" so she doesn't get terribly sick.

A bit of housekeeping.
Because Mom has been so weary, we are asking that there be no visitors for the next few weeks. Mom needs to rest as much as she can. She loves seeing you, her friends, and she would never want to say it, so we are drawing the line for her. It is very taxing on her to visit with people, I think partly because she cares so much! Please also refrain from calling as it is also draining for her to talk on the phone.
Mom has received so many cards through the mail in the last week and it is such an encouragement to her. If you would like to support Mom at this time, sending a short note (whether electronically or "snail" mail) would be the best way as she can then receive your words at a time when she has strength and is able to read them.

I really can not say enough how grateful we are to have you walking with us.

In deep appreciation,

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