From the Leukemia Mamma!
This is the Photo to go with the posting about the Starbucks Fundraiser! A very blurry cellphone photo of Angela and her Starbucks Co-worker, Leah.... Before they had their hair cut off for the "wig". I do not have good "after" shots yet, but will send when I do. I read my last posting and have decided I am writing like I talk right now.... Nonstop with a fuzzy brain dictating what comes out! Sorry for the endurance test!
My Liver counts are still high and toxic. So, it is a waiting game to begin the chemo again. I did get a long weekend off though! Praise God! 3 days home without going to VGH! So good to be in church today for the servcie! I am feeling much better just a little shaky and still tire easily. But my heart is rich and full of such blessing!
Thank you again to EACH one reading, praying and writing notes! Hmmmm... I cannot even tell you how powerful you have been to our hearts! What a Great Blessing YOU are!
Lorna with Love!
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