Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Blessed Leukemia Mamma

Hello Dear Friends and Family

Saturday was a home day and in my quiet time with The Lord, I was reading in John 3.
Verse 28-29 say; "But the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegrooms voice. And so this JOY of mine has been made full."
I just started weeping... because I have heard the voice of The Bridegroom through so many of you, through the Word, and though God's abundant faithfulness. It is true!!
This Joy of mine has been made full !!

God uses the fire in our lives to draw us into His glory! What a privilege!
May you know the blessing of resting in the arms of the One who not only calls us by name, but searches after us to bring us to a place of green meadows and running waters. All that a sheep could need.

When still in Emergency, a praying Friend sensed God leading her to anoint my hands with oil.
Which she did. I gratefully received it as a promise that not only was "the work of my hands" not yet done... but that God had more for me to accomplish yet. What a gift.

Well, in the last weeks a printer who uses a special development treatment, contacted me.
He has been printing orders from designers across Europe and the US for 8 years and has been wanting to find a local artist (his shop is in Surrey on the Langley border) to represent to his designers. He looked me up on the Prof. Photographers of Canada website, BC Chapter. Found my page and loved what he saw. I was to meet with him the morning I went into Emergency.
It stared weeks before when I was reading a "Kingdom Business" book, where the Author prayed for God to be his business partner. I had never done that before, but it sounded like a great idea!!! So the phone call came after some weeks praying.

Yesterday Amy met with this printer. She saw a few samples of his work, and said it is "Beautiful Mom". He will print out one of my images, bring it to me and then we have many details to work out... but I am again, blessed and blown away by the possibility that there is someone who may be representing my work abroad, while I am home being treated for Leukemia! Wow! What can I say, but that My God is bigger than I can see, more powerful than I could guess, and to be in His hand is the safest and most delightful place!

Blessings to each of you!

1 comment:

  1. Was reading Joshua 1 this week. The theme of "Be strong and courageous" just leaps through the page...
    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
    Even on "15"!
    Love you,
