Friday, April 16, 2010


Dear Friends,

I just spoke with my Mom this morning. Her Hemoglobin dropped to 79 today so they are giving her a blood transfusion this mourning. She is receiving two units of blood. Then later today she will receive another dose of chemo. Due to the saline solution she was receiving intravenously she was gaining weight at a rate of 2 pounds a day and beginning to have major swelling in her legs and feet, so they have put her on a diuretic to decrease the water retention. She was up for an hour in the night, but slept well otherwise.

Thankfully Mom is not experiencing any nausea and there have been no negative reactions to the chemo she received yesterday.

She can now have more than two visitors in her room at a time. We are not sure how Mom's energy levels will be over the next few days. Please feel free to visit, but be willing to keep the visit short should she seem weary.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers

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