My Dearly Loved Photography Teacher, from High School; Myra Ottewell, came by to visit me at VGH.
My room-mates husband saw the rainbow before we did. Myra captured it with me! Here is the poem she sent with the photo.
Rainbows appear after mighty storms,
When things look their very worst.
Just when skies are darkest gray,
Look for the rainbow first.
The rainbow is a sign of God's promise,
That He will guide us through any storm.
That He will see us through all our troubles,
No matter what their form.
When you feel battered by Life's storms,
And you are filled with doubt and dismay,
Just remember God's rainbow will come,
For it's only a prayer away.
What a great photo! Looking at the beauty through the storm! I've been reflecting lately on how God's light shines in such a magnified way through suffering. You are speaking with your life, Lorna of how good God is in all of this. I love how you are at the end of the rainbow. Missing you terribly in Rwanda. Praying for you to find the rainbow moments in the midst of this. You are such an example to me... Love Joce